Amazon on Wellness

Friday, November 7, 2008

Unlimited Potential Is Not Limited To Everyone But You!

What are your hopes? What are your dreams? Do you feel like you are accomplishing your potential? Or do you feel like you want so much more from your life than you are currently experiencing but cannot find the passion and cannot find success?

What is the wall you are hitting? Do you hear an inner voice telling you that success, or unlimited potential, can only happen to other people, that it is limited to everyone else (except for you)? Why aren't you aware of your personal passion? What insurance do you have that your new hobby will become a successful passion? How can you cash in to your passion?

In this life, there are many different roads to take. There is the road that is uphill, that uses a ton of fuel and it takes a lifetime to reach the peak. There is the road that is straight, without risk, without diversion from the "norm". There is another road. One that is on flat ground, with a few hills. One that has various culdesacs that you can turn into to try your hand at various things. One that has multiple fuel stations along its route. One that includes various vehicles traveling at various distances, at various speeds, and circling various culdesacs. At the end of that road, there is a great deal of reward and satisfaction. At the end of that journey there is a great straightening of the road behind you, creating an easier journey for those who come after (a legacy).

Which road do you want to follow? Which end do you want to travel to? What kind of road do you want to leave for those who come after you?

What do you think first, when you wake up in the morning? Do you dread your day? Or do you look forward to it? Did you know that you can make up your mind to be happy, even when your surroundings are negative? Did you know that you can make your environment negative with your negative attitude? It becomes an aura all around you. It affects other people and their attitude toward you.

Practice positive thinking from the time you wake up in the morning. First, don't waste your day in bed. Select a time to wake up each day and stick to it. It is easier to do this when you select a bedtime as well. Therefore your internal clock will be "set" and it is easier to get up at the time you select.

When you awake, smile. Stretch in bed, just like a child does as they wake up. Take deep breaths as you stretch, and feel free to yawn. Practice gratitude as you awaken by saying "thank you" for a bed to sleep in. Next, rotate so that your feet are on the floor. Wiggle your toes. Say "thank you" for a covered floor to place your feet on. As you stand up, say "thank you" that you are able to stand. Next, as you are walking, inevitably to the bathroom, say "thank you" that you can walk, that you have a covered floor to walk on and the sanitary facilities to go to the bathroom in. Continue this practice as you get ready for the day, all the while smiling. If you can, meditate and/or practice yoga prior to the start of your working day.

"Research has shown health benefits of laughter ranging from strengthening the immune system to reducing food cravings to increasing one's threshold for pain. There's even an emerging therapeutic field known as humor therapy to help people heal more quickly, among other things. Humor also has several important stress relieving benefits."--

When you go to bed, run through your day in your mind. If there are any events that feel negative, change them to a different outcome in your mind. Picture them as positive and with a positive outcome. This will program your mind. Much of the energy we send out to the world that affects our daily view on life is based on our internal thoughts. You must train those thoughts to be positive. You must get yourself in the right though process so that your world becomes positive. I know that sounds crazy, but the world is made up of each person's (pets and things as well) energies. What we think projects outward and eventually comes back to us.

In my next post on this subject, I will further investigate other opportunities to make your life a positive one, with success and with your desired outcome.

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